266 statements
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1"""Render the concat document to pdf."""
3import json
4import os
5import pathlib
6import re
7import shutil
8import time
9from typing import Union, no_type_check
11import yaml
13import liitos.captions as cap
14import liitos.concat as con
15import liitos.description_lists as dsc
16import liitos.figures as fig
17import liitos.gather as gat
18import liitos.labels as lab
19import liitos.patch as pat
20import liitos.tables as tab
21import liitos.tools as too
22from liitos import (
28 log,
29 parse_csl,
32DOC_BASE = pathlib.Path('..', '..')
33STRUCTURE_PATH = DOC_BASE / 'structure.yml'
34IMAGES_FOLDER = 'images/'
35DIAGRAMS_FOLDER = 'diagrams/'
36PATCH_SPEC_NAME = 'patch.yml'
39VENDORED_SVG_PAT = re.compile(r'^.+\]\([^.]+\.[^.]+\.svg\ .+$')
43def read_patches(folder_path: pathlib.Path, patches_path: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[list[tuple[str, str]], bool]:
44 """Ja ja."""
45 patches = []
46 need_patching = False
47 log.info(f'inspecting any patch spec file ({patches_path}) ...')
48 if patches_path.is_file() and patches_path.stat().st_size:
49 target_path = folder_path / PATCH_SPEC_NAME
50 shutil.copy(patches_path, target_path)
51 try:
52 with open(patches_path, 'rt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
53 patch_spec = yaml.safe_load(handle)
54 need_patching = True
55 except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError) as err:
56 log.error(f'failed to load patch spec from ({patches_path}) with ({err}) - patching will be skipped')
57 need_patching = False
58 if need_patching:
59 try:
60 patches = [(rep, lace) for rep, lace in patch_spec]
61 patch_pair_count = len(patches)
62 if not patch_pair_count:
63 need_patching = False
64 log.warning('- ignoring empty patch spec')
65 else:
66 log.info(
67 f'- loaded {patch_pair_count} patch pair{"" if patch_pair_count == 1 else "s"}'
68 f' from patch spec file ({patches_path})'
69 )
70 except ValueError as err:
71 log.error(f'- failed to parse patch spec from ({patch_spec}) with ({err}) - patching will be skipped')
72 need_patching = False
73 else:
74 if patches_path.is_file():
75 log.warning(f'- ignoring empty patch spec file ({patches_path})')
76 else:
77 log.info(f'- no patch spec file ({patches_path}) detected')
78 return patches, need_patching
82def der(
83 doc_root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
84 structure_name: str,
85 target_key: str,
86 facet_key: str,
87 options: dict[str, Union[bool, str]],
88) -> int:
89 """Later alligator."""
90 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
91 log.info('entered render function ...')
92 target_code = target_key
93 facet_code = facet_key
94 if not facet_code.strip() or not target_code.strip():
95 log.error(f'render requires non-empty target ({target_code}) and facet ({facet_code}) codes')
96 return 2
97 log.info(f'parsed target ({target_code}) and facet ({facet_code}) from request')
99 from_format_spec = options.get('from_format_spec', FROM_FORMAT_SPEC)
100 filter_cs_list = parse_csl(options.get('filter_cs_list', ''))
101 if filter_cs_list:
102 log.info(f'parsed from-format-spec ({from_format_spec}) and filters ({", ".join(filter_cs_list)}) from request')
103 else:
104 log.info(f'parsed from-format-spec ({from_format_spec}) and no filters from request')
106 structure, asset_map = gat.prelude(
107 doc_root=doc_root, structure_name=structure_name, target_key=target_key, facet_key=facet_key, command='render'
108 )
109 log.info(f'prelude teleported processor into the document root at ({os.getcwd()}/)')
111 rel_concat_folder_path = pathlib.Path('render/pdf/')
112 rel_concat_folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
114 patches, need_patching = read_patches(rel_concat_folder_path, pathlib.Path(PATCH_SPEC_NAME))
116 os.chdir(rel_concat_folder_path)
117 log.info(f'render (this processor) teleported into the render/pdf location ({os.getcwd()}/)')
119 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
120 log.info('Assessing the local version control status (compared to upstream) ...')
121 too.ensure_separate_log_lines(too.vcs_probe)
122 CONTEXT['builder_node_id'] = too.node_id()
123 log.info('Context noted with:')
124 log.info(f'- builder-node-id({CONTEXT.get("builder_node_id")})')
125 log.info(f'- source-hash({CONTEXT.get("source_hash")})')
126 log.info(f'- source-hint({CONTEXT.get("source_hint")})')
128 ok, aspect_map = too.load_target(target_code, facet_code)
129 if not ok or not aspect_map:
130 return 0 if ok else 1
132 do_render = aspect_map.get('render', None)
133 if do_render is not None:
134 log.info(f'found render instruction with value ({aspect_map["render"]})')
136 if do_render is None or do_render:
137 log.info('we will render ...')
138 else:
139 log.warning('we will not render ...')
140 return 0xFADECAFE
142 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
143 log.info('transforming SVG assets to high resolution PNG bitmaps ...')
144 for path_to_dir in (IMAGES_FOLDER, DIAGRAMS_FOLDER):
145 the_folder = pathlib.Path(path_to_dir)
146 if not the_folder.is_dir():
147 log.error(
148 f'svg-to-png directory ({the_folder}) in ({pathlib.Path().cwd()}) does not exist or is no directory'
149 )
150 continue
151 for svg in pathlib.Path(path_to_dir).iterdir():
152 if svg.is_file() and svg.suffix == '.svg':
153 png = str(svg).replace('.svg', '.png')
154 svg_to_png_command = ['svgexport', svg, png, '100%']
155 too.delegate(svg_to_png_command, 'svg-to-png')
157 special_patching = []
158 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
159 log.info('rewriting src attribute values of SVG to PNG sources ...')
160 with open('document.md', 'rt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
161 lines = [line.rstrip() for line in handle.readlines()]
162 for slot, line in enumerate(lines):
163 if line.startswith('![') and '](' in line:
164 if VENDORED_SVG_PAT.match(line):
165 if '.svg' in line and line.count('.') >= 2:
166 caption, src, alt, rest = con.parse_markdown_image(line)
167 stem, app_indicator, format_suffix = src.rsplit('.', 2)
168 log.info(f'- removing application indicator ({app_indicator}) from src ...')
169 if format_suffix != 'svg':
170 log.warning(f' + format_suffix (.{format_suffix}) unexpected in <<{line.rstrip()}>> ...')
171 fine = f'![{caption}]({stem}.png "{alt}"){rest}'
172 log.info(f' transform[#{slot + 1}]: {line}')
173 log.info(f' into[#{slot + 1}]: {fine}')
174 lines[slot] = fine
175 dia_path_old = src.replace('.svg', '.png')
176 dia_path_new = f'{stem}.png'
177 dia_fine_rstrip = dia_path_new.rstrip()
178 if dia_path_old and dia_path_new:
179 special_patching.append((dia_path_old, dia_path_new))
180 log.info(
181 f'post-action[#{slot + 1}]: adding to queue for sync move: ({dia_path_old})'
182 f' -> ({dia_path_new})'
183 )
184 else:
185 log.warning(f'- old: {src.rstrip()}')
186 log.warning(f'- new: {dia_fine_rstrip}')
187 continue
188 if '.svg' in line:
189 fine = line.replace('.svg', '.png')
190 log.info(f' transform[#{slot + 1}]: {line}')
191 log.info(f' into[#{slot + 1}]: {fine}')
192 lines[slot] = fine
193 continue
194 with open('document.md', 'wt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
195 handle.write('\n'.join(lines))
197 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
198 log.info('ensure diagram files can be found when patched ...')
199 if special_patching:
200 for old, mew in special_patching:
201 source_asset = pathlib.Path(old)
202 target_asset = pathlib.Path(mew)
203 log.info(f'- moving: ({source_asset}) -> ({target_asset})')
204 present = False
205 remaining_attempts = INTER_PROCESS_SYNC_ATTEMPTS
206 while remaining_attempts > 0 and not present:
207 try:
208 present = source_asset.is_file()
209 except Exception as ex:
210 log.error(f' * probing for resource ({old}) failed with ({ex}) ... continuing')
211 log.info(
212 f' + resource ({old}) is{" " if present else " NOT "}present at ({source_asset})'
213 f' - attempt {11 - remaining_attempts} of {INTER_PROCESS_SYNC_ATTEMPTS} ...'
214 )
215 if present:
216 break
218 remaining_attempts -= 1
219 if not source_asset.is_file():
220 log.warning(
221 f'- resource ({old}) still not present at ({source_asset})'
222 f' as seen from ({os.getcwd()}) after {remaining_attempts} attempts'
223 f' and ({round(remaining_attempts * INTER_PROCESS_SYNC_SECS, 0) :.0f} seconds waiting)'
224 )
225 shutil.move(source_asset, target_asset)
226 else:
227 log.info('post-action queue (from reference renaming) is empty - nothing to move')
228 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
230 # prototyping >>>
231 fmt_spec = from_format_spec
232 in_doc = 'document.md'
233 out_doc = 'ast-no-filter.json'
234 markdown_to_ast_command = [
235 'pandoc',
236 '--verbose',
237 '-f',
238 fmt_spec,
239 '-t',
240 'json',
241 in_doc,
242 '-o',
243 out_doc,
244 ]
245 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
246 log.info(f'executing ({" ".join(markdown_to_ast_command)}) ...')
247 if code := too.delegate(markdown_to_ast_command, 'markdown-to-ast'):
248 return code
250 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
252 mermaid_caption_map = too.mermaid_captions_from_json_ast(out_doc)
253 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
254 # no KISS too.ensure_separate_log_lines(json.dumps, [mermaid_caption_map, 2])
255 for line in json.dumps(mermaid_caption_map, indent=2).split('\n'):
256 for fine in line.split('\n'):
257 log.info(fine)
258 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
260 # <<< prototyping
262 fmt_spec = from_format_spec
263 in_doc = 'document.md'
264 out_doc = LATEX_PAYLOAD_NAME
265 markdown_to_latex_command = [
266 'pandoc',
267 '--verbose',
268 '-f',
269 fmt_spec,
270 '-t',
271 'latex',
272 in_doc,
273 '-o',
274 out_doc,
275 ]
276 if filter_cs_list:
277 filters = [added_prefix for expr in filter_cs_list for added_prefix in ('--filter', expr)]
278 markdown_to_latex_command += filters
279 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
280 log.info(f'executing ({" ".join(markdown_to_latex_command)}) ...')
281 if code := too.delegate(markdown_to_latex_command, 'markdown-to-latex'):
282 return code
284 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
285 log.info(f'load text lines from intermediate {LATEX_PAYLOAD_NAME} file before internal transforms ...')
286 with open(LATEX_PAYLOAD_NAME, 'rt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
287 lines = [line.rstrip() for line in handle.readlines()]
289 lines = too.execute_filter(
290 cap.weave,
291 head='move any captions below tables ...',
292 backup='document-before-caps-patch.tex.txt',
293 label='captions-below-tables',
294 text_lines=lines,
295 lookup=None,
296 )
298 lines = too.execute_filter(
299 lab.inject,
300 head='inject stem (derived from file name) labels ...',
301 backup='document-before-inject-stem-label-patch.tex.txt',
302 label='inject-stem-derived-labels',
303 text_lines=lines,
304 lookup=mermaid_caption_map,
305 )
307 lines = too.execute_filter(
308 fig.scale,
309 head='scale figures ...',
310 backup='document-before-scale-figures-patch.tex.txt',
311 label='inject-scale-figures',
312 text_lines=lines,
313 lookup=None,
314 )
316 lines = too.execute_filter(
317 dsc.options,
318 head='add options to descriptions (definition lists) ...',
319 backup='document-before-description-options-patch.tex.txt',
320 label='inject-description-options',
321 text_lines=lines,
322 lookup=None,
323 )
325 if options.get('patch_tables', False):
326 lines = too.execute_filter(
327 tab.patch,
328 head='patching tables EXPERIMENTAL (table-shape) ...',
329 backup='document-before-table-shape-patch.tex.txt',
330 label='changed-table-shape',
331 text_lines=lines,
332 lookup=None,
333 )
334 else:
335 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
336 log.info('not patching tables but commenting out (ignoring) any columns command (table-shape) ...')
337 patched_lines = [f'%IGNORED_{v}' if v.startswith(r'\columns=') else v for v in lines]
338 patched_lines = [f'%IGNORED_{v}' if v.startswith(r'\tablefontsize=') else v for v in patched_lines]
339 log.info('diff of the (ignore-table-shape-if-not-patched) filter result:')
340 too.log_unified_diff(lines, patched_lines)
341 lines = patched_lines
342 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
344 if need_patching:
345 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
346 log.info('apply user patches ...')
347 doc_before_user_patch = 'document-before-user-patch.tex.txt'
348 with open(doc_before_user_patch, 'wt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
349 handle.write('\n'.join(lines))
350 patched_lines = pat.apply(patches, lines)
351 with open(LATEX_PAYLOAD_NAME, 'wt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
352 handle.write('\n'.join(patched_lines))
353 log.info('diff of the (user-patches) filter result:')
354 too.log_unified_diff(lines, patched_lines)
355 lines = patched_lines
356 else:
357 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
358 log.info('skipping application of user patches ...')
360 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
361 log.info(f'Internal text line buffer counts {len(lines)} lines')
363 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
364 log.info('cp -a driver.tex this.tex ...')
365 source_asset = 'driver.tex'
366 target_asset = 'this.tex'
367 shutil.copy(source_asset, target_asset)
369 latex_to_pdf_command = ['lualatex', '--shell-escape', 'this.tex']
370 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
371 log.info('1/3) lualatex --shell-escape this.tex ...')
372 if code := too.delegate(latex_to_pdf_command, 'latex-to-pdf(1/3)'):
373 return code
375 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
376 log.info('2/3) lualatex --shell-escape this.tex ...')
377 if code := too.delegate(latex_to_pdf_command, 'latex-to-pdf(2/3)'):
378 return code
380 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
381 log.info('3/3) lualatex --shell-escape this.tex ...')
382 if code := too.delegate(latex_to_pdf_command, 'latex-to-pdf(3/3)'):
383 return code
385 if str(options.get('label', '')).strip():
386 labeling_call = str(options['label']).strip().split()
387 labeling_call.extend(
388 [
389 '--key-value-pairs',
390 (
391 f'BuilderNodeID={CONTEXT["builder_node_id"]}'
392 f',SourceHash={CONTEXT["source_hash"]}'
393 f',SourceHint={CONTEXT["source_hint"]}'
394 ),
395 ]
396 )
397 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
398 log.info(f'Labeling the resulting pdf file per ({" ".join(labeling_call)})')
399 too.delegate(labeling_call, 'label-pdf')
400 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
402 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
403 log.info('Moving stuff around (result phase) ...')
404 source_asset = 'this.pdf'
405 target_asset = '../index.pdf'
406 shutil.copy(source_asset, target_asset)
408 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
409 log.info('Deliverable taxonomy: ...')
410 too.report_taxonomy(pathlib.Path(target_asset))
412 pdffonts_command = ['pdffonts', target_asset]
413 too.delegate(pdffonts_command, 'assess-pdf-fonts')
415 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
416 log.info('done.')
417 log.info(LOG_SEPARATOR)
419 return 0