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44 statements
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1#! /usr/bin/env python
2"""Scan a tree of files and extract attributes of the underlying vector or raster data."""
3import json
4import pathlib
5import sys
7import typer
9import attribuutit.shp as shp
10import attribuutit.tif as tif
11import attribuutit.vpf as vpf
13app = typer.Typer()
17def eject(name: str) -> int:
18 """Eject an example configuration in JSON format with stem equal to name."""
19 typer.echo(f'This will eject an example configuration as {name}.json')
20 return 0
24def scan(name: str, dry_run: bool = False) -> int:
25 """Scan the file system based on the configuration given in name.json and persist the report eventually."""
26 if not dry_run:
27 typer.echo(f'Real run changing the world following the configuration {name}.json - later ...')
28 return 2
30 typer.echo(f'Dry run exposing the plan of execution when following the configuration {name}.json - later ...')
31 return 0
35def inspect(path_str: str, dry_run: bool = False) -> int:
36 """Inspect the file at path and persist the report eventually."""
37 if not dry_run:
38 typer.echo(f'Real run inspecting file at {path_str}')
39 path = pathlib.Path(path_str)
40 suffix = path.suffix
41 if suffix == '.shp':
42 error, shape = shp.load(path)
43 if not error: 43 ↛ 46line 43 didn't jump to line 46, because the condition on line 43 was never false
44 print(shp.summary(shape))
45 else:
46 print(error)
47 elif suffix == '.tif':
48 error, bitmap = tif.load(path)
49 if not error: 49 ↛ 52line 49 didn't jump to line 52, because the condition on line 49 was never false
50 print(tif.summary(bitmap))
51 else:
52 print(error)
53 else:
54 with open(path, 'rb') as source:
55 vpf_artifact = vpf.Table(str(path), (b for b in
56 print(json.dumps(vpf_artifact.table, indent=2))
57 return 0
59 typer.echo(f'Dry run exposing the plan of execution when inspecting file at {path_str}')
60 return 0
63if __name__ == '__main__': 63 ↛ 64line 63 didn't jump to line 64, because the condition on line 63 was never true
64 sys.exit(app())