Change History
2023.6.18 : * Migrated to ruff
- Moved SBOM noise into folder and added SPDX SBOM (derived) in multiple file formats
2022.8.28 : * Added helper keyword functions for result projections
- Added jmespath dependency to ease test writing
- Added experimental source server support
- Updated baseline, SBOM, and third-party docs
- Completed initial test coverage of robot ticket system API with added self reflection test
2022.8.27 : * Adapted creator example to changed package structure
- Adapted extract example to new log format
- Adapted logger module name for ping
- Adapted ping and creator examples to the new package structure; Linter happiness abound
- Adapted ping example to changed structure of package
- Added a robotframework ticket system library
- Added CPSR style example for creator store report
- Added CPSR style example for ping store report
- Added example creator connecting, requesting server info, requesting projects, and creating an issue
- Added example robot test file
- Added examples to linting and format targets
- Added new test deps (pytest-check==1.0.9)
- Added ping example
- Added robot related dependencies
- Added robotframework artifacts to git ignores
- Bumped dev deps (types-setuptools==65.3.0)
- Bumped test deps (dirty-equals==0.4)
- Fixed prelude log for ping
- Fixed setup counters for ping example
- Fixed timedelta calculation for steps taking a second or longer
- Prepared next release and added robot related dependencies
- Refactored common parts into init and storage into new store module
- Refactored further functionality and adapted tests
- Refactored implementation of 27-steps scenario to prepare for keyword use, add setup to store, and increase test coverage
- Removed superfluous shebang lines
- Simplified the setup function
- Updated baseline
- Updated SBOM
- Updated third-party docs
2022.8.24 : * Added missing log lines for link, effort, set issue steps, and moved calculation of component name out of function
- Added remaining forgotten timing store lines for the prototype scenario
- Added microsecond resolution logging timestamps
- Simplified and minimized log lines
- Added generator version to logs
- Moved long data extracts to references section
- Made the example store grep script diagnostics less noisy
- Enhanced and extended the summarizer example script
- Updated third party docs and the SBOM
- Updated baseline
- Fixed types for create duplicate issue link function
- Moved the component name generation out of the function (input parameter)
- Bumped development dependencies (setuptools==65.3.0)
- Adapted tests to changed function signatures
- Added version adhoc to the implementation for logging (TODO)
2022.8.23 : * Made all calls atomic (no more molecules like create issue pairs)
- Changed order of 2 x create issue - 2 x existence check to more canonical interlaced mode (early feedback)
- Replaced specifc key reference in JQL query log with generic identifier
- Wrapped deepcopy around all API calls to ensure no reference type is lazily filled (skewing the timing)
- Added a store analyzer example script
2022.8.22 : * Fixed unprocessed vars in help strings for arguments
- Fixed mistaking clocking tuple for status return values
- Still not auto-detect for cloud vs. on-site (mode) default may claim on-site regardless
- Made all atomic transactions fully observable
- Added store implementation (JSON)
- Implemented collection of transaction results in context to database (JSON)
- Amended API and usage docs
- Bumped implementation dependencies
2022.8.21 : * Flattened the API for labeling (to ease keyword API)
- Refactored all transactions into functions to prepare keyword library creation
- Added atomic versions for most REST transactions
- Added clocking decoration for all scenario functions
- Added the reason for the cleanup upon failed issue-component association to the logging
- Reduced response log for component creation
- Fenced server info log to a line
- Harmonized the purge me comment, shortedned the response logs for comments
- Added tests for all non-main functions (mocked) reaching 2/3 test coverage
- Extended and bumped dev and test dependencies
- Maximized pyproject.toml content (only had to keep flake8 config in setup.cfg until upstream project opens up ...)
2022.8.17 : * Added new dict based memoizing extractor (examples)
- Added dict based analyzer with less wordy labels and larger symbols (examples)
2022.8.16 : * Added examples scripts for log extraction and graphical reporting durations per target and scenario
- Bumped dev and test deps
- Made README and docs landing page lobby for the distributed in dvcs (git), codeberg, and sourcehut
- Fixed a state literal ...
- Added node incator log line
- Enhanced code quality
- Added the either cloud or on-site upstream info to the log
- Unlittered the code and added more info to created issues as well as to the log
2022.8.11 : * Initial release on PyPI