❯ roter --help
usage: roter [-h] [--table-files TABLE_FILES] [--excludes EXCLUDES] [--out-path OUT_PATH] [--markers MARKERS] \
[--child-attributes CHILD_ATTRIBUTES] [--parent-attributes PARENT_ATTRIBUTES] [--invert-only] \
[--concat-only] [--version] [table_files_pos ...]
Rotate and combine tables (Danish: Roter og kombiner borde).
positional arguments:
table_files_pos markdown files with tables to parse. Optional
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--table-files TABLE_FILES, -t TABLE_FILES
Markdown files with tables to parse. Optional
(default: positional table files value)
--excludes EXCLUDES, -x EXCLUDES
comma separated list of values to exclude paths
containing the substring (default: empty string)
--out-path OUT_PATH, -o OUT_PATH
output file path (stem) to inject combined and inverted markdown tables in between markers
--markers MARKERS, -m MARKERS
comma separated begin/end markers in output file path (default: MARKERS)
heading position and labels (singular and plural) for children related columns (default:1,Child,Children)
heading position and labels (singular and plural) for parents related columns (default: 2,Parent,Parents)
--invert-only Only inject the inverted table
--concat-only Only inject the combined table
--version, -V show version of the app and exit