Third Party Dependencies

The SBOM in CycloneDX v1.4 JSON format with SHA256 checksum (c195e6aa ...).


JSON files with complete license info of: direct dependencies | all dependencies

Direct Dependencies

NameVersionLicenseAuthorDescription (from packaging data)
GitPython3.1.40BSD LicenseSebastian Thiel, Michael TrierGitPython is a Python library used to interact with Git repositories

Indirect Dependencies

NameVersionLicenseAuthorDescription (from packaging data)
gitdb4.0.10BSD LicenseSebastian ThielGit Object Database
smmap5.0.0BSD LicenseSebastian ThielA pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager

Dependency Tree(s)

JSON file with the complete package dependency tree info of: the full dependency tree

Rendered SVG

Base graphviz file in dot format: Trees of the direct dependencies

Trees of the direct dependencies

Console Representation

└── gitdb [required: >=4.0.1,<5, installed: 4.0.10]
    └── smmap [required: >=3.0.1,<6, installed: 5.0.0]