
2024.1.16 : * Fixed the Python 3.9 incompatible typing unions per pipe (added the clunky Union[stuff] back in)

  • Implemented commandline addition of key value pairs for labels
  • Reduced the hard fail scenarios catching the exceptions, logging, and marking as label values

2023.11.23 : * Implemented add possibility to overwrite the author in PDF meta data (

2023.11.22 : * Fixed for real remove newline commands from title for document attributes (

2023.11.21 : * Fixed remove newline commands from title for document attributes (

2023.11.20 : * Implemented linearize the PDF derived (

2023.6.18 : * Moved SBOM noise into folder and added SPDX SBOM (derived) in multiple file formats

2023.2.13 : * Fix: Unwrapped meta data loader trips of pdf writer (

2023.1.25 : * Fixed failed CPSR coding (version request now showing the version)

2023.1.24 : * Added version call interface and moved backend import into cross correlate function

2023.1.22 : * Initial publication on pypi