Third Party Dependencies

The SBOM in CycloneDX v1.4 JSON format with SHA256 checksum (1da0d3fe ...).


JSON files with complete license info of: direct dependencies | all dependencies

Direct Dependencies

NameVersionLicenseAuthorDescription (from packaging data)
geotiff0.2.10GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)Kipling CrossingA noGDAL tool for reading and writing geotiff files
pyshp2.3.1MITJoel LawheadPure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
typer0.9.0MIT LicenseSebastián RamírezTyper, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.

Indirect Dependencies

NameVersionLicenseAuthorDescription (from packaging data)
asciitree0.3.3MITMarc BrinkmannDraws ASCII trees.
certifi2023.5.7Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)Kenneth ReitzPython package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.
click8.1.5BSD LicensePallets [email protected]Composable command line interface toolkit
entrypoints0.4MIT LicenseThomas KluyverDiscover and load entry points from installed packages.
fasteners0.18Apache Software LicenseJoshua HarlowA python package that provides useful locks
numcodecs0.11.0MIT LicenseAlistair MilesA Python package providing buffer compression and transformation codecs for use
numpy1.25.1BSD LicenseTravis E. Oliphant et al.Fundamental package for array computing in Python
pyproj3.6.0MIT LicenseJeff Whitaker [email protected]Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library)
tifffile2022.4.26BSD LicenseChristoph GohlkeRead and write TIFF files
zarr2.12.0MIT LicenseAlistair MilesAn implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python.

Dependency Tree(s)

JSON file with the complete package dependency tree info of: the full dependency tree

Rendered SVG

Base graphviz file in dot format: Trees of the direct dependencies

Trees of the direct dependencies

Console Representation

├── numpy [required: Any, installed: 1.25.1]
├── pyproj [required: Any, installed: 3.6.0]
│   └── certifi [required: Any, installed: 2023.5.7]
├── tifffile [required: >=2021.7.4,!=2022.4.28, installed: 2022.4.26]
│   └── numpy [required: >=1.19.2, installed: 1.25.1]
└── zarr [required: >=2.12.0,<2.13, installed: 2.12.0]
    ├── asciitree [required: Any, installed: 0.3.3]
    ├── fasteners [required: Any, installed: 0.18]
    ├── numcodecs [required: >=0.6.4, installed: 0.11.0]
    │   ├── entrypoints [required: Any, installed: 0.4]
    │   └── numpy [required: >=1.7, installed: 1.25.1]
    └── numpy [required: >=1.7, installed: 1.25.1]
├── click [required: >=7.1.1,<9.0.0, installed: 8.1.5]
└── typing-extensions [required: >=, installed: 4.7.1]