Example Usage
Is now a working day?
Silent answer:
❯ arbejdstimer now --config test/fixtures/basic/holidays-config.json || echo "OFF"
Explaining the reasons and answering:
❯ arbejdstimer explain --config test/fixtures/basic/holidays-config.json || echo "OFF"
read valid configuration from (test/fixtures/basic/holidays-config.json)
consider 12 holidays:
- Day (2022-10-23) is not a holiday
- Day is weekend.
Another example from test fixtures:
❯ arbejdstimer explain --config test/fixtures/basic/triplet-holidays-config.json
read valid configuration from (test/fixtures/basic/triplet-holidays-config.json)
consider 3 holidays:
- Day (2022-10-23) is not a holiday
- Day is weekend.
The same example from test fixtures with verbatim explanation mode on:
❯ arbejdstimer explain -v -c test/fixtures/basic/triplet-holidays-config.json
read valid configuration from (test/fixtures/basic/triplet-holidays-config.json)
configuration has 19 lines of (indented) JSON content:
1 | {
2 | "api": 1,
3 | "application": "arbejdstimer",
4 | "operator": "or",
5 | "holidays": [
6 | {
7 | "label": "triplet holiday",
8 | "at": [
9 | "2021-12-29",
10 | "2021-12-30",
11 | "2021-12-31"
12 | ]
13 | }
14 | ],
15 | "working_hours": [
16 | 8,
17 | 17
18 | ]
19 | }
detected non-strict mode (no constraints on year frame from config)
effective configuration:
- given 3 holidays within [2021-12-29, 2021-12-31]:
+ 2021-12-29
+ 2021-12-30
+ 2021-12-31
- working hours:
+ [8, 17] (from configuration)
- Day (2022-10-23) is not a holiday
- Day is weekend.
The new day option to explain any valid date working day status (default non-strict mode):
❯ arbejdstimer explain --day 2345-11-13
read valid configuration from (/some/user/.arbejdstimer.json)
consider 32 holidays:
- Day (2345-11-13) is not a holiday
- Day (2345-11-13) is not a weekend
- At this hour (14) is work time
Better call cal
? ... looks correct (13th of November 2345 is a Tuesday):
❯ cal 11 2345
November 2345
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
Trying the same working day query with strict mode enabled (and assuming no eternal configuration present):
❯ arbejdstimer explain --day 2345-11-13 --strict
read valid configuration from (/some/user/.arbejdstimer.json)
consider 32 holidays:
detected strict mode (queries outside of year frame from config will fail)
- Day is not within year range of configuration
Still doubts on how the evaluation went? Try the verbose option:
❯ python -m arbejdstimer explain --day 2345-11-13 --strict --verbose
read valid configuration from (/some/user/.arbejdstimer.json)
configuration has 76 lines of (indented) JSON content:
1 | {
2 | "api": 1,
3 | "application": "arbejdstimer",
4 | "operator": "or",
5 | "holidays": [
6 | {
7 | "label": "some holidays 2021/2022",
8 | "at": [
9 | "2021-12-24",
10 | "2022-01-02"
11 | ]
12 | },
13 | {
14 | "label": "Josefstag",
15 | "at": [
16 | "2022-03-19"
17 | ]
18 | },
19 | {
20 | "label": "Ostern",
21 | "at": [
22 | "2022-04-15",
23 | "2022-04-18"
24 | ]
25 | },
26 | {
27 | "label": "Christi Himmelfahrt",
28 | "at": [
29 | "2022-05-26"
30 | ]
31 | },
32 | {
33 | "label": "Pfingstmontag",
34 | "at": [
35 | "2022-06-06"
36 | ]
37 | },
38 | {
39 | "label": "Fronleichnam",
40 | "at": [
41 | "2022-06-16"
42 | ]
43 | },
44 | {
45 | "label": "Nationalfeiertag Schweiz",
46 | "at": [
47 | "2022-08-01"
48 | ]
49 | },
50 | {
51 | "label": "Mariä Himmelfahrt",
52 | "at": [
53 | "2022-08-15"
54 | ]
55 | },
56 | {
57 | "label": "Allerheiligen",
58 | "at": [
59 | "2022-11-01"
60 | ]
61 | },
62 | {
63 | "label": "Mariä Empfängnis",
64 | "at": [
65 | "2022-12-08"
66 | ]
67 | },
68 | {
69 | "label": "some holidays 2022/2023",
70 | "at": [
71 | "2022-12-24",
72 | "2023-01-02"
73 | ]
74 | }
75 | ]
76 | }
detected strict mode (queries outside of year frame from config will fail)
effective configuration:
- given 32 holidays within [2021-12-24, 2023-01-02]:
+ 2021-12-24
+ 2021-12-25
+ 2021-12-26
+ 2021-12-27
+ 2021-12-28
+ 2021-12-29
+ 2021-12-30
+ 2021-12-31
+ 2022-01-01
+ 2022-01-02
+ 2022-03-19
+ 2022-04-15
+ 2022-04-16
+ 2022-04-17
+ 2022-04-18
+ 2022-05-26
+ 2022-06-06
+ 2022-06-16
+ 2022-08-01
+ 2022-08-15
+ 2022-11-01
+ 2022-12-08
+ 2022-12-24
+ 2022-12-25
+ 2022-12-26
+ 2022-12-27
+ 2022-12-28
+ 2022-12-29
+ 2022-12-30
+ 2022-12-31
+ 2023-01-01
+ 2023-01-02
- working hours:
+ [7, 16] (application default)
detected strict mode (queries outside of year frame from config will fail)
- Day is not within year range of configuration
Retrieving a starter template for the configuration (default place is $HOME/.arbejdstimer.json
❯ arbejdstimer template
"api": 1,
"application": "arbejdstimer",
"operator": "or",
"holidays": [
"label": "public holiday",
"at": [
"label": "some holidays 2022/2023",
"at": [
"working_hours": [8, 17]
... a minimal configuration not considering holidays and falling back on working hours within [7, 16]
❯ cat test/fixtures/basic/minimal-config.json
"operator": "or"
Version command
❯ arbejdstimer version
Working hours (Danish arbejdstimer) or not? version 2022.10.23+parent.712c72f1
General help
❯ arbejdstimer
Usage: arbejdstimer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Working hours (Danish arbejdstimer) or not?
Given a configuration file detect if today is a work day and if at the time of request is a working hour.
Return code of 0 indicates work time, 1 no work time, and 2 usage error.
Additional help available per command adding the -h/--help option
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --version -V Display the arbejdstimer version and exit │
│ --help -h Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ explain Explain the answer to the question if now is a working hour (in addition to the return code 0 for yes, and 1 for no). │
│ now Silently answer the question if now is a working hour (per return code 0 for yes, and 1 for no). │
│ template Write a template of a JSON configuration to standard out and exit │
│ version Display the arbejdstimer version and exit │
Help on explain command
❯ arbejdstimer explain --help
Usage: arbejdstimer explain [OPTIONS]
Explain the answer to the question if now is a working hour (in addition to the return code 0 for yes, and 1 for no).
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --config -c <configpath> Path to config file (default is $HOME/.arbejdstimer.json) │
│ --day -d <date> Day sought (default is today) │
│ --strict -s <bool> Enforce presence of farming dates in configuration (default is false if not provided) │
│ --verbose -v <bool> Be more verbatim providing the effective config values (default is false if not provided) │
│ --help -h Show this message and exit. │
Help on now command
❯ arbejdstimer now --help
Usage: arbejdstimer now [OPTIONS]
Silently answer the question if now is a working hour (per return code 0 for yes, and 1 for no).
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --config -c <configpath> Path to config file (default is $HOME/.arbejdstimer.json) │
│ --strict -s <bool> Enforce presence of farming dates in configuration (default is false if not provided) │
│ --help -h Show this message and exit. │
Help on template command
❯ arbejdstimer template --help
Usage: arbejdstimer template [OPTIONS]
Write a template of a JSON configuration to standard out and exit
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help -h Show this message and exit. │
Help on version command
Why not :-)
❯ arbejdstimer version --help
Usage: arbejdstimer version [OPTIONS]
Display the arbejdstimer version and exit
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help -h Show this message and exit. │