
Source : * Migrated from flake8 and isort to ruff, realized pyproject.toml only, and refactored the make file


2022.11.28 : * Fixed name of the script deployed by package installs

2022.11.26 : * Added translation table processing for YAML (new default)

  • Reduced supported python versions to 3.10 and 3.11 (or higher)

2022.10.24 : * Migrated to pyproject.toml for packaging and logging for, well, logging


2021.10.28 : * Happy linter, happy winter

2021.10.22 : * Resolved feedback from friendly users

  • Added new command template to ease use of augmented translation table syntax
  • Simplified internal operation and reduced warning noise
  • Documented new features and data structures
  • Outer test line coverage again complete
  • New: Contra indicators - when given exempting a line from translation
  • New: Pro indicators - when given marking a line for translation
  • New: Flip-Flop indicators - providing either stop-start (default) or start-stop state switching
  • Refactored tests to use pytest tmp_path fixture to stabilize the tests
  • Removed prototype data and tests from table implemenbtation

2021.10.21 : * Resolved feedback from friendly users

  • Created initial documentation set covering API and examples of use
  • Fixed python version dependency to be consistently 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10

2021.10.20 : * Initial release to pypi