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1#! /usr/bin/env python
2"""Solve me xoxo."""
3import pathlib
4import sys
5from typing import List, Union
7ENCODING = 'utf-8'
8X = 'x'
9O = 'o' # noqa
10E = ' '
11SYMBOLS = (X, O)
13Matrix = List[List[str]]
14Vector = List[str]
17def sanitize_input(strings: Vector) -> Matrix:
18 """Consider only the minimal span and ignore empty lines."""
19 matrix = [row[:-1] for row in strings if row[:-1]]
20 min_span = min([len(row) for row in matrix])
21 return [[cell.lower() if cell.lower() in TOKENS else E for cell in cells[0:min_span]] for cells in matrix]
24def load(grid: pathlib.Path) -> Matrix:
25 """Load the grid from a text file.
27 The symbols have to be exactly present as upper case x and o.
28 To ease entering the data the empty cell can be any other character.
29 """
30 with open(grid, 'rt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
31 strings = handle.readlines()
32 return sanitize_input(strings)
35def render_row(cells: Vector, row_number: int) -> str:
36 """The row internal printing format of rows."""
37 inner = ' | '.join(cell.upper() for cell in cells)
38 return f'| {inner} | {row_number :2d}'
41def render_horizontal_border(dim: int, top: bool = False) -> str:
42 """Render the border (default bottom)."""
43 corner = ',' if top else '*'
44 return f'\n{corner}{"---+" * (dim -1)}---{corner}\n'
47def render_ruler(dim: int) -> str:
48 """Render the ruler lines between data rows."""
49 return f'\n|{"---+" * (dim -1)}---|\n'
52def render_col_numbers(dim: int) -> str:
53 """Render the index row labeling the columns with numbers."""
54 return f'{"".join(f" {c :2d} " for c in range(1, dim+1))}\n'
57def matrix_to_text(grid: Matrix) -> str:
58 """Do the ASCIInation dance ..."""
59 dim = len(grid[0])
60 ruler = render_ruler(dim)
61 return ''.join(
62 (
63 render_horizontal_border(dim, top=True),
64 ruler.join(render_row(cells, row_number) for row_number, cells in enumerate(grid, start=1)),
65 render_horizontal_border(dim),
66 render_col_numbers(dim),
67 )
68 )
71def transpose_column(n: int, grid: Matrix) -> Vector:
72 """Transpose a column to a row."""
73 return [r[n] for r in grid]
76def transpose(grid: Matrix) -> Matrix:
77 """Transpose the grid so we can verify column rules on the transposed row."""
78 dim = len(grid)
79 return [transpose_column(n, grid) for n in range(0, dim)]
82def row_twin_max_holds(symbol: str, row: Vector) -> bool:
83 """Three in a row would fail,, so we test for that."""
84 dim = len(row)
85 twin = 2
86 for i in range(0, dim - twin):
87 if all(row[ndx] == symbol for ndx in range(i, i + twin + 1)):
88 return False
89 return True
92def matrix_twin_max_holds(grid: Matrix) -> bool:
93 """Do we have more than twin siblings across the matrix?"""
94 for row in grid:
95 for symbol in SYMBOLS:
96 if not row_twin_max_holds(symbol, row):
97 return False
98 return True
101def row_equity_holds(row: Vector) -> bool:
102 """Row equity verification."""
103 dim = len(row)
104 symbol_count = {symbol: 0 for symbol in SYMBOLS}
105 for c in row:
106 if c in symbol_count:
107 symbol_count[c] += 1
109 return not any(2 * cnt > dim for cnt in symbol_count.values())
112def matrix_equity_holds(grid: Matrix) -> bool:
113 """Did we overspend some symbol across the matrix?"""
114 for r in grid:
115 if not row_equity_holds(r):
116 return False
117 return True
120def rows_equal(wun: Vector, other: Vector) -> bool:
121 """Are the two rows equal (with set symbols)?"""
122 dim = len(wun)
123 for i in range(0, dim):
124 if E in (wun[i], other[i]):
125 return False
126 elif wun[i] != other[i]:
127 return False
128 return True
131def any_row_equal(grid: Matrix) -> bool:
132 for i in range(0, len(grid) - 1):
133 for j in range(i + 1, len(grid)):
134 if rows_equal(grid[i], grid[j]):
135 return True
136 return False
139def solve(i: int, j: int, grid: Matrix, transposed: Matrix, dim: int) -> Union[bool, Matrix]:
140 """Recursive solver."""
141 for matrix in (grid, transposed):
142 if any_row_equal(matrix) or not matrix_equity_holds(matrix) or not matrix_twin_max_holds(matrix):
143 return False
145 if j >= dim: # Sweep is complete
146 return grid
148 jj = j
149 ii = i + 1
150 if ii >= dim:
151 jj = j + 1
152 ii = 0
154 c = grid[i][j]
155 if c != E:
156 return solve(ii, jj, grid, transposed, dim)
158 grid[i][j] = X
159 transposed[j][i] = X
160 res_for_x = solve(ii, jj, grid, transposed, dim)
161 if res_for_x:
162 return res_for_x
164 grid[i][j] = O
165 transposed[j][i] = O
166 res_post = solve(ii, jj, grid, transposed, dim)
167 if not res_post:
168 grid[i][j] = E
169 transposed[j][i] = E
170 return False
172 return res_post
175def solution(grid: Matrix) -> Union[bool, Matrix]:
176 """Seek a solution of the problem grid."""
177 return solve(0, 0, grid, transpose(grid), len(grid))
180def assess(grid: Matrix) -> str:
181 """Analyze the grid for common hindrance to convergence."""
182 no_option = all([E not in row for row in grid])
183 note = '\n- Note: Received a completely filled (invalid) grid - what is the expectation?' if no_option else ''
184 outer_dim = len(grid)
185 if outer_dim < 2:
186 return f'You need at least 2 times 2 cells for a valid solution.{note}'
187 if outer_dim % 2: # odd i.e. 3, 5, 7, ...
188 return f'You need even squares to balance the symbols per row and column.{note}'
189 inner_dim = len(grid[0])
190 if inner_dim != outer_dim:
191 problem = f'found a {outer_dim} times {inner_dim} rectangle instead.'
192 return f'You need (even) squares to balance the symbols per row and column - {problem}{note}'
193 transposed = transpose(grid)
194 for matrix in (grid, transposed):
195 if any_row_equal(matrix):
196 return f'Neighbor rows or columns are identical.{note}'
197 if not matrix_equity_holds(matrix):
198 return f'Some symbol has been overused.{note}'
199 if not matrix_twin_max_holds(matrix):
200 return f'More than two symbols of a kind together in a row or column.{note}'
202 return ''
205def main(argv: Union[List[str], None] = None) -> int:
206 """Drive the solution of a grid input from file."""
207 argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv
208 if not argv:
209 print('usage: xoxo path-to-grid-file')
210 return 0
212 grid_path = pathlib.Path(argv[0])
213 if not grid_path.is_file() or not grid_path.stat().st_size:
214 print(f'ERROR: grid file ({grid_path}) does not exist or is empty.')
215 return 1
217 partial = load(grid_path)
218 print('Problem:')
219 print(matrix_to_text(partial))
220 findings = assess(partial)
221 if findings:
222 print('Analysis:', assess(partial))
223 print()
224 return 1
226 complete = solution(partial)
227 if complete: 227 ↛ 233line 227 didn't jump to line 233, because the condition on line 227 was never false
228 print()
229 print('Solution:')
230 print(matrix_to_text(complete)) # type: ignore
231 return 0
233 print('Failed to converge due to an unkown reason.')
234 print()
235 return 1
238if __name__ == '__main__':
239 sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) # pragma: no cover