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73 statements
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1"""Report facts from the environment."""
3import argparse
4import importlib.util
5import json
6import os
7import platform
9if importlib.util.find_spec('resource'):
10 import resource
11else: # pragma: no cover
12 pass
13import sys
14import uuid
15from typing import Union
18VolatileDictType = dict[str, Union[str, bool, float, int]]
19EnvType = dict[str, dict[str, VolatileDictType]]
20FormatType = str
21FORMATS = ('text', 'dict', 'json')
24def assess(options: argparse.Namespace) -> EnvType:
25 """Assess process environment with standard library functions."""
26 if not platform.platform(aliased=True, terse=True).lower().startswith('windows'): 26 ↛ 32line 26 didn't jump to line 32 because the condition on line 26 was always true
27 os_uname = os.uname()
28 os_sysname = os_uname.sysname
29 os_nodename = os_uname.nodename
30 os_version = os_uname.version
31 else:
32 pf_uname = platform.uname()
33 os_sysname = pf_uname.system
34 os_nodename = pf_uname.node
35 os_version = pf_uname.version
36 os_cpu_present = os.cpu_count()
37 os_cpu_available = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) if 'sched_getaffinity' in dir(os) else -1 # type: ignore
39 names = sorted(
40 name
41 for name in dir(sys.flags)
42 if not name.startswith('_') and not name.startswith('n_') and name not in ('count', 'index')
43 )
44 flags = {name: getattr(sys.flags, name) for name in names if getattr(sys.flags, name)}
46 if 'resource' in sys.modules:
47 res_self = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
48 ru_utime_msec = res_self.ru_utime # time spent executing in user mode in seconds (usec resolution)
49 ru_utime_msec *= 1e3
50 ru_utime_msec_usec_precision = round(ru_utime_msec, 3)
51 ru_stime_msec = res_self.ru_stime # time spent executing in kernel mode in seconds (usec resolution)
52 ru_stime_msec *= 1e3
53 ru_stime_msec_usec_precision = round(ru_stime_msec, 3)
54 ru_maxrss = float(res_self.ru_maxrss) # maximum resident set size used (linux in kilobytes)
55 if platform.platform(aliased=True, terse=True).lower().startswith('macos'): # pragma: no cover
56 ru_maxrss /= 1024 # "man 2 getrusage" on MacOS indicates unit is bytes
57 ru_maxrss_mbytes_kbytes_precision = round(ru_maxrss / 1024, 3)
58 ru_minflt = res_self.ru_minflt # number of page faults serviced without any I/O activity
59 ru_majflt = res_self.ru_majflt # number of page faults serviced that required I/O activity
60 ru_inblock = res_self.ru_inblock # number of times the filesystem had to perform input
61 ru_oublock = res_self.ru_oublock # number of times the filesystem had to perform output
62 ru_nvcsw = res_self.ru_nvcsw # number of times a context switch resulted due to a process
63 # voluntarily giving up the processor before its time slice
64 # was completed
65 ru_nivcsw = res_self.ru_nivcsw # number of times a context switch resulted due to a higher
66 # priority process becoming runnable or because the current
67 # process exceeded its time slice
68 else:
69 ru_utime_msec_usec_precision = -1
70 ru_stime_msec_usec_precision = -1
71 ru_maxrss_mbytes_kbytes_precision = -1
72 ru_minflt = -1
73 ru_majflt = -1
74 ru_inblock = -1
75 ru_oublock = -1
76 ru_nvcsw = -1
77 ru_nivcsw = -1
79 data = {
80 'library-env': {
81 'debug-mode': options.debug,
82 'quiet-mode': options.quiet,
83 'verbose-mode': options.verbose,
84 'version': VERSION,
85 'encoding': ENCODING,
86 'encoding-errors-policy': ENCODING_ERRORS_POLICY,
87 },
88 'interpreter-env': {
89 'exec-prefix': sys.exec_prefix,
90 'exec-path': sys.executable,
91 },
92 'interpreter-impl': {
93 'impl-name':,
94 'version': {
95 'major': sys.implementation.version.major,
96 'minor': sys.implementation.version.minor,
97 'micro': sys.implementation.version.micro,
98 'releaselevel': sys.implementation.version.releaselevel,
99 'serial': sys.implementation.version.serial,
100 },
101 },
102 'interpreter-flags': {
103 **flags,
104 },
105 'os-env': {
106 'node-id': str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, platform.node())),
107 'machine-type': platform.machine(),
108 'platform-code': platform.platform(aliased=True, terse=True),
109 'platform_release': platform.release(),
110 },
111 'os-uname': {
112 'os-sysname': os_sysname,
113 'os-nodename': os_nodename,
114 'os-version': os_version,
115 },
116 'os-resource-usage': {
117 'ru-maxrss-mbytes-kbytes-precision': ru_maxrss_mbytes_kbytes_precision,
118 'ru-utime-msec-usec-precision': ru_utime_msec_usec_precision,
119 'ru-stime-msec-usec-precision': ru_stime_msec_usec_precision,
120 'ru-minflt': ru_minflt,
121 'ru-majflt': ru_majflt,
122 'ru-inblock': ru_inblock,
123 'ru-outblock': ru_oublock,
124 'ru_nvcsw': ru_nvcsw,
125 'ru_nivcsw': ru_nivcsw,
126 },
127 'os-cpu-resources': {
128 'os-cpu-present': os_cpu_present,
129 'os-cpu-available': os_cpu_available,
130 },
131 }
133 return data
136def report(options: argparse.Namespace, format: FormatType = 'text') -> Union[str, EnvType]:
137 """Assess process environment and provide report in JSON or text format."""
138 data = assess(options)
140 if format == 'dict':
141 return data
143 if format == 'json':
144 return json.dumps(data, indent=2)
146 # Format is text
147 text = []
148 for pk, pv in data.items():
149 line = f'{pk}: '
150 values = []
151 for sk, sv in pv.items():
152 if not isinstance(sv, dict):
153 values.append(f'{sk}={sv}')
154 else:
155 tvs = ', '.join([f'{tk}={tv}' for tk, tv in sv.items()])
156 values.append(f'{sk}({tvs})')
157 text.append(line + ', '.join(values))
159 return '\n'.join(text)