Coverage for prosessilouhinta/ 79.55%
32 statements
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1"""Commandline API gateway for prosessilouhnita."""
3import sys
5import typer
7import prosessilouhinta
8import prosessilouhinta.prosessilouhinta as pm
10APP_NAME = 'Process mining (Finnish prosessilouhinta) from eventlogs.'
11APP_ALIAS = 'prosessilouhnita'
12app = typer.Typer(
13 add_completion=False,
14 context_settings={'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help']},
15 no_args_is_help=True,
20def callback(
21 version: bool = typer.Option(
22 False,
23 '-V',
24 '--version',
25 help='Display the prosessilouhinta version and exit',
26 is_eager=True,
27 )
28) -> None:
29 """
30 Process mining (Finnish prosessilouhinta) from eventlogs.
31 """
32 if version:
33 typer.echo(f'{APP_NAME} version {prosessilouhinta.__version__}')
34 raise typer.Exit()
38def extract(
39 source: str = typer.Argument(pm.STDIN),
40 target: str = typer.Argument(pm.STDOUT),
41 inp: str = typer.Option(
42 '',
43 '-i',
44 '--input',
45 help='Path to input eventlog file (default is reading from standard in)',
46 metavar='<sourcepath>',
47 ),
48 out: str = typer.Option(
49 '',
50 '-o',
51 '--output',
52 help='Path to non-existing output report file (default is writing to standard out)',
53 metavar='<targetpath>',
54 ),
55 dry: bool = typer.Option(
56 False,
57 '-n',
58 '--dryrun',
59 help='Flag to execute without writing the extraction but a summary instead (default is False)',
60 metavar='bool',
61 ),
62) -> int:
63 """
64 Translate from a language to a 'langauge'.
65 """
66 command = 'extract'
67 incoming = inp if inp else (source if source != pm.STDIN else '')
68 outgoing = out if out else (target if target != pm.STDOUT else '')
69 dryrun = 'DRYRUN' if dry else ''
70 action = [command, incoming, outgoing, dryrun]
71 return sys.exit(pm.main(action))
75def cpa_dia(
76 source: str = typer.Argument(pm.STDIN),
77 inp: str = typer.Option(
78 '',
79 '-i',
80 '--input',
81 help='Path to input eventlog file (default is reading from standard in)',
82 metavar='<sourcepath>',
83 ),
84) -> int:
85 """
86 Apply Critical Path Analysis (CPA) on input and produce activity-on-nodes diagram for critical path.
87 """
88 command = 'cpa'
89 incoming = inp if inp else (source if source != pm.STDIN else '')
90 if not incoming:
91 print('No file path given to load the activities and dependencies from')
92 return sys.exit(2)
94 action = [command, incoming]
95 return sys.exit(pm.cpa_dia(action))
99def app_version() -> None:
100 """
101 Display the prosessilouhinta version and exit
102 """
103 callback(True)