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195 statements
« prev ^ index » next v7.4.1, created at 2024-02-04 21:26:31 +00:00
« prev ^ index » next v7.4.1, created at 2024-02-04 21:26:31 +00:00
1import collections
2import json
3from typing import no_type_check
5import piemap.projections as pr
6from piemap import PIPE, SEMI, log
10REC_SEP = ';'
11ROW_SEP = '\n'
15def dumps(config):
16 """Dump configuration into string."""
17 return json.dumps(config)
21def dump(config, handle):
22 """Dump configuration into JSON file via handle."""
23 return json.dump(config, handle)
27def loads(text):
28 """Load configuration from string."""
29 return NotImplemented
33def load(handle):
34 """Load configuration from JSON file handle."""
35 return json.load(handle)
39def default_linear():
40 """DRY."""
41 return {
42 'AXIS_INDEX': '',
43 'AXIS_NAME': 'Dimension',
45 'AXIS_MIN': 0.00,
46 'AXIS_LIMIT': 0.80,
47 'AXIS_MAX': 1.00,
49 'AXIS_MIN_FOLDED': False,
51 'AXIS_UNIT': '1',
52 'AXIS_META': '',
53 }
57def default_keys():
58 """DRY."""
59 return list(default_linear().keys())
63def default_linear_values():
64 """DRY."""
65 return list(default_linear().values())
69def default_folded():
70 """DRY."""
71 return {
72 'AXIS_INDEX': '',
73 'AXIS_NAME': 'DimensionFolded',
75 'AXIS_MIN': 0.00,
76 'AXIS_LIMIT': 0.80,
77 'AXIS_MAX': 1.00,
79 'AXIS_MIN_FOLDED': False,
81 'AXIS_UNIT': 'dB',
82 'AXIS_META': '',
83 }
87def default_folded_values():
88 """DRY."""
89 return list(default_folded().values())
93def unsafe(text):
94 """TODO(sthagen) keep/drop list applies here."""
95 return text
99def is_numeric(text):
100 """Migration artifact."""
101 try:
102 _ = float(text)
103 return True
104 except (TypeError, ValueError):
105 return False
109def maybe_int(value):
110 """Rococo."""
111 if float(value) == float(int(float(value))):
112 return int(value)
114 return value
118def compact_value(text):
119 """HACK A DID ACK ..."""
120 if not is_numeric(text):
121 return text
123 try:
124 as_int = int(text)
125 return as_int
126 except (TypeError, ValueError):
127 return float(text)
131def example_default():
132 """Maybe not wanted but matches reference behavior."""
133 some_axis_maps = [default_linear()]
134 some_axis_maps[0]['AXIS_INDEX'] = 0
136 some_axis_maps.append(default_linear())
137 some_axis_maps[1]['AXIS_INDEX'] = 1
138 some_axis_maps[1]['AXIS_NAME'] = 'Dimension2'
140 some_axis_maps.append(default_folded())
141 some_axis_maps[2]['AXIS_INDEX'] = 2
143 return some_axis_maps, ['Default used, since no input given.']
147def parse(text: str):
148 """Parse the DSL contained in text."""
149 if not text.strip():
150 return example_default()
152 has_index_collision = False
153 has_index_order_mismatch = False
155 info_queue, some_axis_maps = [], []
156 axis_values_rows_req_string: str = unsafe(text)
157 axis_values_rows_req = [row.strip() for row in axis_values_rows_req_string.split(ROW_SEP) if row.strip()]
158 n_axis_rows_req = len(axis_values_rows_req)
159 for n, row_string in enumerate(
160 axis_values_rows_req[:NEEDED_NUMBER_OF_AXIS_MAX]
161 ): # Was: array_slice(axis_values_rows_req, 0, NEEDED_NUMBER_OF_AXIS_MAX)
162 axis_values = default_folded_values() if ';FOLDED;' in row_string else default_linear_values()
163 axis_values_cand = row_string.split(REC_SEP)
164'__{"FOLDED" if ";FOLDED;" in row_string else "NO_FOLD"}__')
165'has axis_values[{len(axis_values)}]({axis_values})')
166 if len(axis_values) >= len(axis_values_cand): 166 ↛ 175line 166 didn't jump to line 175, because the condition on line 166 was never false
167 kks = default_keys()
168 for i, v in enumerate(axis_values_cand):
169 if v != '':
170 be_v = compact_value(v)
171 log.debug(f'[{i}]( == {kks[i]}): ({axis_values[i]}) --> ({be_v})')
172 axis_values[i] = be_v
173 else:
174 log.debug(f'[{i}]( == {kks[i]}): ({axis_values[i]}) kept ({axis_values[i]})')
175 if len(axis_values) > len(axis_values_cand):
176 kks = default_keys()
177 for i, v in enumerate(axis_values[len(axis_values_cand) :], start=len(axis_values_cand)):
178 log.debug(f'[{i}]( == {kks[i]}): ({axis_values[i]}) untouched ({axis_values[i]})')
180'has axis candidate[{len(axis_values_cand)}]({axis_values_cand})')
181 axis_map = dict(zip(default_keys(), axis_values))
182'... axis map is ({axis_map})')
183 numeric_axis_types = ('LINEAR', 'FOLDED')
184 if axis_map['AXIS_INDEX'] == '':
185"has index idea({axis_map['AXIS_INDEX']}) is False?")
186'... axis map is ({axis_map})')
187 axis_map['AXIS_INDEX'] = n
188 i_cfc = axis_map['AXIS_INDEX']
189 else:
190 print()
191"has index idea({axis_map['AXIS_INDEX']}) is True")
192 index_cand = str(axis_map['AXIS_INDEX'])
193 if is_numeric(index_cand) and float(index_cand) == float(int(float(index_cand))):
194'is_numeric({index_cand}) is True')
195 i_cfc = str(maybe_int(index_cand))
196 axis_map['AXIS_INDEX'] = int(i_cfc)
197 if index_cand != i_cfc: # Was !== in PHP 197 ↛ 198line 197 didn't jump to line 198, because the condition on line 197 was never true
198 info_queue.append(f'NOK index ({index_cand}) requested, accepted as ({i_cfc})')
199 else:
200 info_queue.append(f' OK index ({index_cand}) requested, accepted as ({i_cfc})')
201 else:
202'is_numeric({index_cand}) is False')
203 i_cfc = str(n)
204 info_queue.append(
205 f'NOK invalid index ({index_cand}) requested, accepted per parsing order as ({i_cfc})'
206 )
207 if axis_map['AXIS_TYPE'] in numeric_axis_types:
208 if axis_map['AXIS_TYPE'] == 'LINEAR':
209 if is_numeric(axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT']) and is_numeric(axis_map['AXIS_MAX']):
210 axis_map['AXIS_MIN'] = maybe_int(
211 pr.min_from_limit_max(axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT'], axis_map['AXIS_MAX'])
212 )
213 else:
214 info_queue.append(
215 f"NOK limit({axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT']}) and max({axis_map['AXIS_MAX']}) not both numeric,"
216 f" ignored {axis_map['AXIS_TYPE'].lower()} axis at index ({i_cfc})"
217 )
218 if axis_map['AXIS_VALUE'] != NULL_STR_REP and not is_numeric(axis_map['AXIS_VALUE']):
219 axis_map['AXIS_VALUE'] = NULL_STR_REP
220 else: # axis_map['AXIS_TYPE'] == 'FOLDED':
221'... claim of FOLDED is True? Axis map is ({axis_map})')
222 if is_numeric(axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT']) and is_numeric(axis_map['AXIS_MAX']):
223 axis_map['AXIS_MIN'] = maybe_int(
224 pr.min_from_limit_max(axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT'], axis_map['AXIS_MAX'])
225 )
226 axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT_FOLDED'] = maybe_int(
227 pr.limit_folded_from_limit_max(axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT'], axis_map['AXIS_MAX'])
228 )
229 axis_map['AXIS_MIN_FOLDED'] = maybe_int(
230 pr.min_folded_from_limit_max(axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT'], axis_map['AXIS_MAX'])
231 )
232 else:
233 info_queue.append(
234 f"NOK limit({axis_map['AXIS_LIMIT']}) and max({axis_map['AXIS_MAX']}) not both numeric,"
235 f' ignored folded axis at index ({i_cfc})'
236 )
238 some_axis_maps.append(axis_map)
240 n_axis_rows = len(some_axis_maps)
241 if n_axis_rows_req > n_axis_rows:
242 info_queue.append(
243 f'{n_axis_rows_req} dimensions requested, but only {n_axis_rows} accepted.'
244 f' Maximum is {NEEDED_NUMBER_OF_AXIS_MAX}'
245 )
247 best_effort_re_order_map = {}
248 collect_index_cand_list = []
249 for x, data in enumerate(some_axis_maps):
250 index_cand = data['AXIS_INDEX']
251 if is_numeric(index_cand):
252 i_cfc = int(index_cand)
253 else:
254 i_cfc = x
255 collect_index_cand_list.append(i_cfc)
256 if not is_numeric(index_cand) or i_cfc != index_cand or index_cand < 0 or index_cand >= n_axis_rows:
257 has_index_collision = True
258 conflict_reason = 'NO_INTEGER'
259 if i_cfc != index_cand:
260 conflict_reason = 'DC_INTEGER'
262 if is_numeric(index_cand) and index_cand < 0:
263 conflict_reason = 'LT_ZERO'
265 elif is_numeric(index_cand) and index_cand >= n_axis_rows:
266 conflict_reason = 'GT_NROW'
268 info_queue.append(
269 f'Conflicting index rules. Failing candidate is ({index_cand}), reason is {conflict_reason}'
270 )
271 some_axis_maps[x]['AXIS_INDEX'] = x
273 if index_cand != x:
274 has_index_order_mismatch = True
275 info_queue.append(f'Index positions not ordered. Misplaced candidate is {index_cand}, found at {x}')
277 best_effort_re_order_map[index_cand] = data
279 collect_index_cand_set = set(collect_index_cand_list)
280 if len(collect_index_cand_set) != len(collect_index_cand_list):
281 has_index_collision = True
282 hist = collections.Counter(collect_index_cand_list)
283 blame_list = []
284 for xx, nn in hist.items():
285 if nn != 1: 285 ↛ 284line 285 didn't jump to line 284, because the condition on line 285 was never false
286 blame_list.append(xx)
288 blame_list.sort()
289 info_queue.append(
290 f'Conflicting index positions. Failing candidate/s is/are [{", ".join(str(x) for x in blame_list)}],'
291 ' reason is NONUNIQUE_INDEX'
292 )
294 if not has_index_collision and has_index_order_mismatch:
295 some_axis_maps = []
296 for k, data in sorted(best_effort_re_order_map.items()):
297 some_axis_maps.append(data)
299 """
300 $normalizedInputDataRows = array();
301 foreach($someAxisMaps as $x => $data) {
302 $axisValues = array_values($data);
303 $normalizedInputDataRows[] = implode(";",$axisValues);
304 }
305 //DEBUG echo '<pre>ReAssembledRows:'."\n".print_r($normalizedInputDataRows,True).'</pre>';
306 $normalizedInputDataString = implode("\n",$normalizedInputDataRows);
307 //DEBUG echo '<pre>ReAssembledNormalizedInput:'."\n".print_r($normalizedInputDataString,True).'</pre>';
308 echo 'AxisSpecTest: '."\n";
309 echo '<form style="display:inline;" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">'."\n";
310 echo '<textarea style="font-sice:small;" cols="80" rows="16" name="AXIS_SPEC_ROWS">'.$normalizedInputDataString. \
311 </textarea>'."\n";
312 echo '<input type="submit" name="Subme" value="parse" />'."\n";
313 echo '</form>'.'<br />'."\n";
314 echo '[<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">RESET</a>] to some default to get started.<br />'."\n";
315 //echo 'Implicit Keys: '.implode(';',$axisDefaultKeys).'<br />'."\n";
316 echo '<pre>';
317 echo 'Testing Module: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\n";
318 $infoQueue[] = 'TestInput: AXIS_SPEC_ROWS=<pre>'."\n".$axisValuesRowsReqString.'</pre>'."\n";
319 echo ' TestOutput[0]:'."\n";
320 echo '$someAxisMaps='."\n";
321 //DEBUG echo print_r($someAxisMaps,True);
322 echo '</pre>';
323 echo '<table style="width:75%;"><tr><th>Laufd.Nr.</th><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Min</th><th>Limit</th>\
324 <th>Max</th><th>LimitFolded</th><th>MinFolded</th><th>Value</th><th>Unit</th></tr>'."\n";
325 foreach($someAxisMaps as $i => $data) {
326 $displayRow = array_values($data);
327 echo '<tr><td>';
328 echo implode('</td><td>',$displayRow);
329 echo '</td></tr>';
330 }
331 echo '</table>'."\n";
332 if($infoQueue) {
333 echo '<h2>Info:</h2>';
334 echo '<ul><li>';
335 echo implode('</li><li>',$infoQueue);
336 echo '</li></ul>';
337 }
338 echo '</body>'."\n";
339 echo '</html>'."\n";
340 """
341 return some_axis_maps, info_queue
345def table(axis_maps, info_queue) -> str:
346 """Display axis maps as markdown table."""
347 normalized_input_data_rows = [SEMI.join(str(v) for v in axis.values()) for axis in axis_maps]
348 log.debug('ReAssembledRows:')
349 for row in normalized_input_data_rows:
350 log.debug(row)
351 normalized_input_data_string = '\n'.join(normalized_input_data_rows)
352 log.debug('ReAssembledNormalizedInput:')
353 log.debug(normalized_input_data_string)
354 table_headers = ('ListNo.', 'Name', 'Type', 'Min', 'Limit', 'Max', 'LimitFolded', 'MinFolded', 'Value', 'Unit')
355 table_header_str_row = PIPE.join(table_headers)
356 table_body_str_rows = []
357 for i, data in enumerate(axis_maps, start=1):
358 display_row = PIPE.join(str(d) for d in data.values())
359 table_body_str_rows.append(display_row)
360 if info_queue:
361 log.warning('InfoQueue:')
362 for diagnostic in info_queue:
363 log.warning(f'- {diagnostic}')
364 return '\n'.join([table_header_str_row] + table_body_str_rows)