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16 statements
« prev ^ index » next v7.6.0, created at 2024-07-21 12:16:47 +00:00
« prev ^ index » next v7.6.0, created at 2024-07-21 12:16:47 +00:00
1import datetime as dti
2import logging
3from typing import Union
5from muuntaa import NOW_CODE, ScopedMessages
8def _line_slug(text: str) -> str:
9 """Remove all new lines from text."""
10 return text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
13def get_utc_timestamp(ts_text: str = NOW_CODE) -> tuple[Union[str, None], ScopedMessages]:
14 """Returns an ordered pair of timestamp in UTC format and error (empty scoped messages no error).
16 If the magic timestamp text `now` is provided, then the current timestamp is returned.
17 """
18 if ts_text == NOW_CODE:
19 return'milliseconds'), []
20 try:
21 now = dti.datetime.fromisoformat(ts_text.replace('Z', '+00:00'))
22 if now.tzinfo is None:
23 now = now.replace(tzinfo=dti.timezone.utc)
24 return now.isoformat(timespec='milliseconds'), []
25 except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
26 return None, [(logging.CRITICAL, f'invalid time stamp provided {ts_text}: {_line_slug(str(err))}.')]