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1"""Handling functions for configuration resources."""
3import logging
4import pkgutil
5from typing import Iterable, Union
7import yaml
9from muuntaa import BOOLEAN_KEYS, ConfigType, ENCODING, Pathlike, ScopedMessages
11CONFIG_RESOURCE = 'resource/config.yml'
14def boolify(configuration: ConfigType, boolean_keys: Union[Iterable[str], None] = None) -> ScopedMessages:
15 """Modify configuration in place to ensure the values of boolean keys are converted to booleans."""
16 scoped_messages: ScopedMessages = []
17 if boolean_keys is None:
18 boolean_keys = BOOLEAN_KEYS
19 for key in boolean_keys:
20 try:
21 incoming = configuration[key]
22 except KeyError as err:
23 scoped_messages.append(
24 (logging.CRITICAL, f'Parsing configuration failed. Missing config key {key}: {err}.'),
25 )
26 continue
28 try:
29 if isinstance(incoming, bool):
30 configuration[key] = incoming
31 continue
32 if isinstance(incoming, str): 32 ↛ 40line 32 didn't jump to line 40 because the condition on line 32 was always true
33 canonical = incoming.strip().lower()
34 if canonical in {'true', 'yes', '1', 'y'}:
35 configuration[key] = True
36 continue
37 if canonical in {'false', 'no', '0', 'n'}:
38 configuration[key] = False
39 continue
40 raise ValueError('unexpected value')
41 except (AttributeError, ValueError) as err:
42 scoped_messages.append(
43 (
44 logging.CRITICAL,
45 f'Parsing configuration failed. Invalid value for config key {key}: {incoming} {err}.',
46 ),
47 )
49 return scoped_messages
52def load(external_path: Union[None, Pathlike] = None) -> ConfigType:
53 """Load the configuration either from the package resources (default) or an external path."""
54 if external_path:
55 with open(external_path, 'rt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle:
56 return yaml.safe_load(handle) # type: ignore
57 else:
58 return yaml.safe_load(pkgutil.get_data(__package__, CONFIG_RESOURCE).decode(encoding=ENCODING)) # type: ignore
61def eject() -> str:
62 """Dump the configuration from the package resources to a YAML string."""
63 return pkgutil.get_data(__package__, CONFIG_RESOURCE).decode(encoding=ENCODING) # type: ignore