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2 'A1': 'Antarctica (United States)',
3 'AG': 'Solomon Islands',
4 'AN': 'Nauru',
5 'AY': 'Papua New Guinea',
6 'BG': 'Greenland',
7 'BI': 'Iceland',
8 'BK': 'Kosovo',
9 'C0': 'Canada',
10 'C1': 'Canada',
11 'C2': 'Canada',
12 'C3': 'Canada',
13 'C4': 'Canada',
14 'C5': 'Canada',
15 'C6': 'Canada',
16 'C7': 'Canada',
17 'C8': 'Canada',
18 'C9': 'Canada',
19 'CA': 'Canada',
20 'CB': 'Canada',
21 'CC': 'Canada',
22 'CD': 'Canada',
23 'CE': 'Canada',
24 'CF': 'Canada',
25 'CG': 'Canada',
26 'CH': 'Canada',
27 'CJ': 'Canada',
28 'CK': 'Canada',
29 'CL': 'Canada',
30 'CM': 'Canada',
31 'CN': 'Canada',
32 'CO': 'Canada',
33 'CP': 'Canada',
34 'CR': 'Canada',
35 'CS': 'Canada',
36 'CT': 'Canada',
37 'CV': 'Canada',
38 'CW': 'Canada',
39 'CX': 'Canada',
40 'CY': 'Canada',
41 'CZ': 'Canada',
42 'DA': 'Algeria',
43 'DB': 'Benin',
44 'DF': 'Burkina Faso',
45 'DG': 'Ghana',
46 'DI': "Cote d'Ivoire",
47 'DN': 'Nigeria',
48 'DR': 'Niger',
49 'DT': 'Tunisia',
50 'DX': 'Togolese Republic',
51 'EB': 'Belgium',
52 'ED': 'Germany (civil)',
53 'EE': 'Estonia',
54 'EF': 'Finland',
55 'EG': 'United Kingdom (and Crown dependencies)',
56 'EH': 'Netherlands',
57 'EI': 'Ireland',
58 'EK': 'Denmark and the Faroe Islands',
59 'EL': 'Luxembourg',
60 'EN': 'Norway',
61 'EP': 'Poland',
62 'ES': 'Sweden',
63 'ET': 'Germany (military)',
64 'EV': 'Latvia',
65 'EY': 'Lithuania',
66 'FA': 'South Africa',
67 'FB': 'Botswana',
68 'FC': 'Republic of the Congo',
69 'FD': 'Eswatini',
70 'FE': 'Central African Republic',
71 'FG': 'Equatorial Guinea',
72 'FH': 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
73 'FI': 'Mauritius',
74 'FJ': 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
75 'FK': 'Cameroon',
76 'FL': 'Zambia',
77 'FM': 'Comoros, France (Mayotte and Reunion), and Madagascar',
78 'FN': 'Angola',
79 'FO': 'Gabon',
80 'FP': 'Sao Tome and Príncipe',
81 'FQ': 'Mozambique',
82 'FS': 'Seychelles',
83 'FT': 'Chad',
84 'FV': 'Zimbabwe',
85 'FW': 'Malawi',
86 'FX': 'Lesotho',
87 'FY': 'Namibia',
88 'FZ': 'Democratic Republic of the Congo',
89 'GA': 'Mali',
90 'GB': 'The Gambia',
91 'GC': 'Spain (Canary Islands)',
92 'GE': 'Spain (Ceuta and Melilla)',
93 'GF': 'Sierra Leone',
94 'GG': 'Guinea-Bissau',
95 'GL': 'Liberia',
96 'GM': 'Morocco',
97 'GO': 'Senegal',
98 'GQ': 'Mauritania',
99 'GS': 'Western Sahara',
100 'GU': 'Guinea',
101 'GV': 'Cape Verde',
102 'HA': 'Ethiopia',
103 'HB': 'Burundi',
104 'HC': 'Somalia (including Somaliland)',
105 'HD': 'Djibouti',
106 'HE': 'Egypt',
107 'HH': 'Eritrea',
108 'HK': 'Kenya',
109 'HL': 'Libya',
110 'HR': 'Rwanda',
111 'HS': 'Sudan and South Sudan',
112 'HT': 'Tanzania',
113 'HU': 'Uganda',
114 'K0': 'Contiguous United States',
115 'K1': 'Contiguous United States',
116 'K2': 'Contiguous United States',
117 'K3': 'Contiguous United States',
118 'K4': 'Contiguous United States',
119 'K5': 'Contiguous United States',
120 'K6': 'Contiguous United States',
121 'K7': 'Contiguous United States',
122 'K8': 'Contiguous United States',
123 'K9': 'Contiguous United States',
124 'KA': 'Contiguous United States',
125 'KB': 'Contiguous United States',
126 'KC': 'Contiguous United States',
127 'KD': 'Contiguous United States',
128 'KE': 'Contiguous United States',
129 'KF': 'Contiguous United States',
130 'KG': 'Contiguous United States',
131 'KH': 'Contiguous United States',
132 'KI': 'Contiguous United States',
133 'KJ': 'Contiguous United States',
134 'KK': 'Contiguous United States',
135 'KL': 'Contiguous United States',
136 'KM': 'Contiguous United States',
137 'KN': 'Contiguous United States',
138 'KO': 'Contiguous United States',
139 'KP': 'Contiguous United States',
140 'KR': 'Contiguous United States',
141 'KS': 'Contiguous United States',
142 'KT': 'Contiguous United States',
143 'KU': 'Contiguous United States',
144 'KV': 'Contiguous United States',
145 'KW': 'Contiguous United States',
146 'KX': 'Contiguous United States',
147 'KY': 'Contiguous United States',
148 'KZ': 'Contiguous United States',
149 'LA': 'Albania',
150 'LB': 'Bulgaria',
151 'LC': 'Cyprus',
152 'LD': 'Croatia',
153 'LE': 'Spain (mainland section and Balearic Islands)',
154 'LF': 'France (Metropolitan France; including Saint-Pierre and Miquelon)',
155 'LG': 'Greece',
156 'LH': 'Hungary',
157 'LI': 'Italy',
158 'LJ': 'Slovenia',
159 'LK': 'Czech Republic',
160 'LL': 'Israel',
161 'LM': 'Malta',
162 'LN': 'Monaco',
163 'LO': 'Austria',
164 'LP': 'Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira)',
165 'LQ': 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
166 'LR': 'Romania',
167 'LS': 'Switzerland',
168 'LT': 'Turkey',
169 'LU': 'Moldova',
170 'LV': 'Palestine/Palestinian territories',
171 'LW': 'North Macedonia',
172 'LX': 'Gibraltar',
173 'LY': 'Serbia and Montenegro',
174 'LZ': 'Slovakia',
175 'MB': 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
176 'MD': 'Dominican Republic',
177 'MG': 'Guatemala',
178 'MH': 'Honduras',
179 'MK': 'Jamaica',
180 'MM': 'Mexico',
181 'MN': 'Nicaragua',
182 'MP': 'Panama',
183 'MR': 'Costa Rica',
184 'MS': 'El Salvador',
185 'MT': 'Haiti',
186 'MU': 'Cuba',
187 'MW': 'Cayman Islands',
188 'MY': 'Bahamas',
189 'MZ': 'Belize',
190 'NC': 'Cook Islands',
191 'NF': 'Fiji, Tonga',
192 'NG': 'Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), Tuvalu',
193 'NI': 'Niue',
194 'NL': 'France (Wallis and Futuna)',
195 'NS': 'Samoa, United States (American Samoa)',
196 'NT': 'France (French Polynesia)',
197 'NV': 'Vanuatu',
198 'NW': 'France (New Caledonia)',
199 'NZ': 'New Zealand, Antarctica',
200 'OA': 'Afghanistan',
201 'OB': 'Bahrain',
202 'OE': 'Saudi Arabia',
203 'OI': 'Iran',
204 'OJ': 'Jordan and the West Bank',
205 'OK': 'Kuwait',
206 'OL': 'Lebanon',
207 'OM': 'United Arab Emirates',
208 'OO': 'Oman',
209 'OP': 'Pakistan',
210 'OR': 'Iraq',
211 'OS': 'Syria',
212 'OT': 'Qatar',
213 'OY': 'Yemen',
214 'PA': 'US (Alaska)',
215 'PB': 'US (Baker Island)',
216 'PC': 'Kiribati (Canton Airfield, Phoenix Islands)',
217 'PF': 'US (Alaska)',
218 'PG': 'US (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands)',
219 'PH': 'US (Hawaii)',
220 'PJ': 'US (Johnston Atoll)',
221 'PK': 'Marshall Islands',
222 'PL': 'Kiribati (Line Islands)',
223 'PM': 'US (Midway Island)',
224 'PO': 'US (Alaska)',
225 'PP': 'US (Alaska)',
226 'PT': 'Federated States of Micronesia, Palau',
227 'PW': 'US (Wake Island)',
228 'RC': 'Republic of China (Taiwan)',
229 'RJ': 'Japan (Mainland)',
230 'RK': 'Republic of Korea (South Korea)',
231 'RO': 'Japan (Okinawa)',
232 'RP': 'Philippines',
233 'S1': 'Argentina',
234 'SA': 'Argentina',
235 'SB': 'Brazil',
236 'SC': 'Chile (including Easter Island)',
237 'SD': 'Brazil',
238 'SE': 'Ecuador',
239 'SF': 'United Kingdom (Falkland Islands)',
240 'SG': 'Paraguay',
241 'SH': 'Chile',
242 'SI': 'Brazil',
243 'SJ': 'Brazil',
244 'SK': 'Colombia',
245 'SL': 'Bolivia',
246 'SM': 'Suriname',
247 'SN': 'Brazil',
248 'SO': 'France (French Guiana)',
249 'SP': 'Peru',
250 'SS': 'Brazil',
251 'SU': 'Uruguay',
252 'SV': 'Venezuela',
253 'SW': 'Brazil',
254 'SY': 'Guyana',
255 'TA': 'Antigua and Barbuda',
256 'TB': 'Barbados',
257 'TD': 'Dominica',
258 'TF': 'France (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin)',
259 'TG': 'Grenada',
260 'TI': 'US (U.S. Virgin Islands)',
261 'TJ': 'US (Puerto Rico)',
262 'TK': 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
263 'TL': 'Saint Lucia',
264 'TN': 'Caribbean Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten',
265 'TQ': 'UK (Anguilla)',
266 'TR': 'UK (Montserrat)',
267 'TT': 'Trinidad and Tobago',
268 'TU': 'UK (British Virgin Islands)',
269 'TV': 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
270 'TX': 'UK (Bermuda)',
271 'U0': 'Russia',
272 'U1': 'Russia',
273 'U3': 'Russia',
274 'U4': 'Russia',
275 'U5': 'Russia',
276 'U6': 'Russia',
277 'U7': 'Russia',
278 'U8': 'Russia',
279 'U9': 'Russia',
280 'UA': 'Kazakhstan',
281 'UB': 'Azerbaijan',
282 'UC': 'Kyrgyzstan',
283 'UD': 'Armenia',
284 'UE': 'Russia',
285 'UF': 'Russia',
286 'UG': 'Georgia',
287 'UH': 'Russia',
288 'UI': 'Russia',
289 'UK': 'Ukraine',
290 'UL': 'Russia',
291 'UM': 'Belarus and Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast)',
292 'UN': 'Russia',
293 'UO': 'Russia',
294 'UR': 'Russia',
295 'US': 'Russia',
296 'UT': 'Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan',
297 'UU': 'Russia',
298 'UW': 'Russia',
299 'VA': 'West India',
300 'VC': 'Sri Lanka',
301 'VD': 'Cambodia',
302 'VE': 'East India',
303 'VG': 'Bangladesh',
304 'VH': 'Hong Kong',
305 'VI': 'North India',
306 'VL': 'Laos',
307 'VM': 'Macau',
308 'VN': 'Nepal',
309 'VO': 'South India',
310 'VQ': 'Bhutan',
311 'VR': 'Maldives',
312 'VT': 'Thailand',
313 'VV': 'Vietnam',
314 'VY': 'Myanmar',
315 'WA': 'Indonesia',
316 'WB': 'Brunei, Malaysia (East Malaysia)',
317 'WI': 'Indonesia',
318 'WM': 'Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)',
319 'WP': 'Timor-Leste',
320 'WQ': 'Indonesia',
321 'WR': 'Indonesia',
322 'WS': 'Singapore',
323 'Y0': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
324 'Y1': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
325 'Y2': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
326 'Y3': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
327 'Y4': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
328 'Y5': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
329 'Y6': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
330 'Y7': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
331 'Y8': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
332 'Y9': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
333 'YA': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
334 'YB': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
335 'YC': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
336 'YD': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
337 'YE': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
338 'YF': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
339 'YG': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
340 'YH': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
341 'YI': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
342 'YJ': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
343 'YK': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
344 'YL': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
345 'YM': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
346 'YN': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
347 'YO': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
348 'YP': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
349 'YQ': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
350 'YR': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
351 'YS': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
352 'YT': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
353 'YU': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
354 'YV': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
355 'YW': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
356 'YY': 'Australia (including Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands)',
357 'Z0': 'Mainland China)',
358 'Z1': 'Mainland China)',
359 'Z2': 'Mainland China)',
360 'Z4': 'Mainland China)',
361 'Z5': 'Mainland China)',
362 'Z8': 'Mainland China)',
363 'Z9': 'Mainland China)',
364 'ZB': 'Mainland China)',
365 'ZG': 'Mainland China)',
366 'ZH': 'Mainland China)',
367 'ZJ': 'Mainland China)',
368 'ZK': 'North Korea',
369 'ZL': 'Mainland China)',
370 'ZM': 'Mongolia',
371 'ZP': 'Mainland China)',
372 'ZS': 'Mainland China)',
373 'ZU': 'Mainland China)',
374 'ZW': 'Mainland China)',
375 'ZY': 'Mainland China)',
376 'ZZ': 'Unknown Country',