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33 statements  

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1"""Calculate (Finnish: laskea) some parts.""" 

2import sys 

3from typing import Mapping, Sequence 


5from atlassian import Jira # type: ignore # noqa 

6from cogapp import Cog, CogUsageError # type: ignore 


8import laskea 

9import laskea.config as cfg 



12def process(command: str, transaction_mode: str, paths: Sequence[str], options: Mapping[str, bool]) -> int: 

13 """Drive the lookup.""" 


15 if command != 'update' or not paths: 

16 print('Usage: laskea update [--help] [-v] [-c config-path] [-n] [-i] source-files*md []') 

17 sys.exit(2) 


19 quiet = bool(options.get('quiet', '')) 

20 verbose = bool(options.get('verbose', '')) 

21 checksums = bool(options.get('checksums', '')) 


23 vector = [laskea.APP_ALIAS, '-P'] 

24 if checksums: 24 ↛ 25line 24 didn't jump to line 25, because the condition on line 24 was never true

25 vector.append('-c') 

26 vector.extend( 

27 [ 

28 f'--markers={laskea.BASE_MARKERS}', 

29 '-p', 

30 'from laskea import *', 

31 ] 

32 ) 

33 if transaction_mode == 'commit': 33 ↛ 35line 33 didn't jump to line 35, because the condition on line 33 was never false

34 vector.append('-r') 

35 if quiet: 35 ↛ 36line 35 didn't jump to line 36, because the condition on line 35 was never true

36 vector.append('--verbosity=0') 


38 cog = Cog() 


40 if laskea.DEBUG or verbose: 40 ↛ 41line 40 didn't jump to line 41, because the condition on line 40 was never true

41 cfg.report_context(command, transaction_mode, vector) 


43 for path in paths: 43 ↛ 51line 43 didn't jump to line 51, because the loop on line 43 didn't complete

44 single_vector = vector + [path] 

45 try: 

46 cog.callableMain(single_vector) 

47 except CogUsageError as err: 

48 print('CodeGen processing usage error:', file=sys.stderr) 

49 print(str(err)) 

50 return 1 

51 return 0