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62 statements  

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1#! /usr/bin/env python 

2"""Creating the fetch script for the files in the hierarchy from JSON proxy data.""" 

3import json 

4import pathlib 

5import random 

6import sys 


8BASE_URL = '' 

9DASH = '-' 

10ACTIONS = [] 


12EASING = 3 

13NL = '\n' 

14SP = ' ' 

15ESP = '\\' + SP 

16URL_ENC_SP = '%20' 

17RATE = 2_000_000 

18ENCODING = 'utf-8' 

19TS_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +00:00' 


21if len(sys.argv) != 2: 

22 print(' json-file', file=sys.stderr) 

23 sys.exit(2) 


25store_path = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1]) 

26with open(store_path, 'rt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle: 

27 repo = json.load(handle) 


29root_folder =[1] 

30if root_folder == 'development': 

31 root_folder += '_releases' 


33folder_count = repo['count_folders'] 

34ACTIONS.append('#! /usr/bin/env bash') 

35ACTIONS.append(f'# Derived root folder to be ({root_folder})') 

36ACTIONS.append(f'echo "Initializing the tree below root folder with random waits between 1 and {EASING} secs"') 

37transfers = repo['count_files'] 

38size_files_bytes = repo['size_files_bytes'] 


40 f'# Detected {transfers} files with {size_files_bytes} bytes across {folder_count} folders below {root_folder}' 


42anchor = pathlib.Path.cwd() 

43bytes_cum = 0 

44for n, entry in enumerate(repo['tree']['files'], start=1): 

45 entry_path = entry['path'] 

46 if entry_path == '.': 

47 continue 

48 path = pathlib.Path(entry_path) 

49 size_bytes = entry['size'] 

50 secs_est = int(size_bytes / RATE) 

51 secs_est_disp = 'less than a second' if secs_est < 1 else f'approx. {secs_est} seconds' 

52 bytes_cum += size_bytes 

53 nap = random.randint(1, EASING) # nosec B311 

54 ACTIONS.append(f'echo sleeping for {nap} secs before transfering file {n} of {transfers}') 

55 ACTIONS.append(f'sleep {nap}') 

56 ACTIONS.append(f'cd {anchor}/{root_folder}/{path.parent} || exit 1') 

57 ACTIONS.append('pwd') 

58 ACTIONS.append( 

59 f'echo started the transfer {n} of {transfers} requesting {size_bytes} bytes' 

60 f' assuming {secs_est_disp} at "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +00:00")"' 

61 ) 

62 if SP not in str(path): 

63 ACTIONS.append(f"echo curl -kORLs --limit-rate 2000k '{BASE_URL}{root_folder}/{path}'") 

64 ACTIONS.append(f"curl -kORLs --limit-rate 2000k '{BASE_URL}{root_folder}/{path}'") 

65 else: 

66 path_url_enc = str(path).replace(SP, URL_ENC_SP) 

67 path_local = f'{str(, ESP)}' 

68 ACTIONS.append(f"echo curl -kRLs --limit-rate 2000k '{BASE_URL}{root_folder}/{path_url_enc}' -o '{path_local}'") 

69 ACTIONS.append(f"curl -kRLs --limit-rate 2000k '{BASE_URL}{root_folder}/{path_url_enc}' -o '{path_local}'") 

70 ACTIONS.append( 

71 f'echo transfer is complete {n} of {transfers} for cum. {bytes_cum} of' 

72 f' tot. {size_files_bytes} bytes at "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +00:00")"' 

73 ) 


75ACTIONS.append('echo OK') 

76ACTIONS.append('') # Final newline at end of fetch script 


78with open(DEFAULT_SCRIPT, 'wt', encoding=ENCODING) as handle: 

79 handle.write(NL.join(ACTIONS))