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1"""In due time (Finnish: ajallaan) - reporting on worklog entries of some ticket system - command line interface""" 


3import argparse 

4import sys 

5from typing import no_type_check 


7import ajallaan.api as api 

8from ajallaan import APP_NAME, APP_VERSION 




12def parser(): 

13 """Implementation of command line API returning parser.""" 

14 impl = argparse.ArgumentParser( 

15 description='Showcase (Finnish: vitriini) some packaged content - guided by conventions.' 

16 ) 

17 impl.add_argument( 

18 '-q', 

19 '--quiet', 

20 dest='quiet', 

21 action='store_true', 

22 help='Be quiet (overrules debug and verbose alike)', 

23 ) 

24 impl.add_argument( 

25 '-v', 

26 '--verbose', 

27 dest='verbose', 

28 action='store_true', 

29 help='Be more verbose, maybe', 

30 ) 

31 impl.add_argument( 

32 '-d', 

33 '--debug', 

34 dest='debug', 

35 action='store_true', 

36 help='Support debugging, maybe', 

37 ) 

38 impl.add_argument( 

39 '-i', 

40 '--input', 

41 dest='in_path', 

42 type=str, 

43 required=False, 

44 help='Input path of local data', 

45 ) 

46 impl.add_argument( 

47 '-u', 

48 '--user', 

49 dest='user', 

50 type=str, 

51 required=False, 

52 help='API user account name', 

53 ) 

54 impl.add_argument( 

55 '-t', 

56 '--token', 

57 dest='token', 

58 type=str, 

59 required=False, 

60 help='API token or passphrase', 

61 ) 

62 impl.add_argument( 

63 '-w', 

64 '--worker', 

65 dest='worker', 

66 type=str, 

67 required=False, 

68 help='Worklog user name whose entries to report (default is api user)', 

69 ) 

70 impl.add_argument( 

71 '-o', 

72 '--output', 

73 dest='out_path', 

74 type=str, 

75 required=False, 

76 help='Output path for json report', 

77 ) 

78 return impl 




82def app(argv=None): 

83 """Drive the transformation.""" 

84 argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv 

85 arg_parser = parser() 

86 if not argv: 

87 print(f'{APP_NAME} version {APP_VERSION}') 

88 arg_parser.print_help() 

89 return 0 


91 options = arg_parser.parse_args(argv) 

92 return api.process(options)